MY REALITY = any perceptual output constructed by MY mind. | THE ‘HOW TO’ OF TRUE ARAMAIC FORGIVENESS |
The tool for Waking Up from, and changing MY REALITY. |
Premise – my Essential Nature, as Human Life, my very Being is Love (hold a ♥ Newborn ♥). The goal of this Internal Forgiveness WakeUp Sheet is to empower me to remove fear and/or hostility and return me to the direct experience of Love 24/7/365! |
*CBM – Carbon Based Memory – a cumulative, inherited multi-generational database. A storage place for skills, hostility/fear & replicate corrupt data.
*Replicate Mind – A function of brain cell’s replaying information/images/generational content – the root of all Why Again?! & disease experiences.
*Sustained Incoherence – see David Bohm – Denial of responsibility for distasteful results while keeping up with the thinking that creates those results.
*Fear/Hostility – toxic energies that compromise intelligence by drawing us away from our True Nature – an indicator of sustained incoherence. An infallible indicator of dissociation pointing to the corrupt data at the root (Aramaic “oota”) of the repeating patterns output from my replicate mind.
*Dissociation – Denial creates a hidden, separated, unchangeable (while denied) part of the mind referred to as the “unconscious,” “heart,” or “desert.”
*Shbag,True Aramaic Forgiveness – Denial and refusal to be responsible for what happens in our lives leaves us stuck in blame, dissociation/projection and unable to change the replicate mind’s content. Shbag, translated as forgive, actually means “to cancel.” It is the keyway into and the tool that empowers correction and integrates dissociated states of mind. A daily mind cleaner, required if one chooses to live as Love & have serenity, well-being & longevity!
*Rookha d’Koodsha – A feminine, elemental force in humans that breaks off the effect of errors and teaches truth. A force for that which is proper for humans, the denial of which leaves me in unforgiveness (- NOT unforgivable!) The “SuperProcessor” that can reach through and heal all generations.
*CBM – Carbon Based Memory – a cumulative, inherited multi-generational database. A storage place for skills, hostility/fear & replicate corrupt data.
*Replicate Mind – A function of brain cell’s replaying information/images/generational content – the root of all Why Again?! & disease experiences.
*Sustained Incoherence – see David Bohm – Denial of responsibility for distasteful results while keeping up with the thinking that creates those results.
*Fear/Hostility – toxic energies that compromise intelligence by drawing us away from our True Nature – an indicator of sustained incoherence. An infallible indicator of dissociation pointing to the corrupt data at the root (Aramaic “oota”) of the repeating patterns output from my replicate mind.
*Dissociation – Denial creates a hidden, separated, unchangeable (while denied) part of the mind referred to as the “unconscious,” “heart,” or “desert.”
*Shbag,True Aramaic Forgiveness – Denial and refusal to be responsible for what happens in our lives leaves us stuck in blame, dissociation/projection and unable to change the replicate mind’s content. Shbag, translated as forgive, actually means “to cancel.” It is the keyway into and the tool that empowers correction and integrates dissociated states of mind. A daily mind cleaner, required if one chooses to live as Love & have serenity, well-being & longevity!
*Rookha d’Koodsha – A feminine, elemental force in humans that breaks off the effect of errors and teaches truth. A force for that which is proper for humans, the denial of which leaves me in unforgiveness (- NOT unforgivable!) The “SuperProcessor” that can reach through and heal all generations.
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