Reality Wake-up Sheet Abbreviated

The perceptual
output of MY mind.
The tool for changing
Premise – our Essential Nature, as Human Beings, is Love (think ♥ newborn ♥). The work of healing is to remove anything that is unlike our True Nature so that we come back to the experience of Love 24/7/365!

    1. A. I, who am ♥, have, through denial, trained my CBM* to show me the lie that my feelings and my giving up the experience of my essence, Love, are caused by my trigger - name the object of your attention - who or what are you focused on?

    B. (name the object of attention)

    C. Describe what happened (my reality)


    D. My feelings, resonated by this situation (all hostility and fear is from corrupt data)

    E. My thought(s) that cause my feeling(s) about how I see it is

    F. I want to punish/avoid by

    2.Yes I choose to Love Truth and willingly go through the PhysicalMentalEmotional symptoms of healing.

    3. A. I, ♥, want my trigger () to (state, in positive words, your exact goal)

    B. So that I can (underlying goal)


    4.Yes I choose to reconnect to my ORIGINAL BEING,, INSTEAD OF MY UPSET. (Rose & Butterfly Story)

    VIDEO: Christian the Lion (watch the behavior of the lioness at the end)

    For further explanation of canceling the goal watch this Power Point

    5. A. In order to collapse my false reality, be liberated from my hostility/fear*, maintain awareness of myself as Love and see the Truth about me and my object of attention,I cancel (in Aramaic - Shbag*) my goal for my trigger () to (bring forward from Step 3A)

    B. and cancel "so that I can" (bring forward from Step 3B)(BREATHE)

    C. I invite
    (in Aramaic - Rookha d’Koodsha*)

    to incline me toward healingrestore me to my Original Nature, LOVEassist me in keeping LOVE present
    & capacity to generate my emotion of
    Help me come into direct, conscious relationship with & remove the dissociated* / projected parts of my CBM

    6. A. I now feel and,

    B. about the situation listed in step #1A through F see that

    C. When have I violated that goal (, ) for myself or others?

    7. I acknowledge us for creating TRUTH, PERFECT LOVE, and write a goal, based in my issue, that I am willing to set toward () my object of attention, based on the goal for them in #3 (, ). I structure a truly Loving goal toward you and offer to you

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    *CBM – Carbon Based Memory – The source of all hostility/fear, a cumulative generational data bank from the past.
    *Fear/Hostility – toxic energies that draw us away from our True Nature – always an indicator of hallucinations. They are infallible indicators of dissociation and point to the corrupt data at the root (in Aramaic “oota”) of the output of the mind.
    *True Forgiveness – Shbag – Translated as forgive, actually means “to cancel.” The tool that, in Aramaic, reconnects us directly with, corrects and integrates dissociated states of mind, previously seen only through projection and caused by denial and refusal to be responsible for what happens in our lives. A daily requirement if one chooses to achieve well-being and longevity
    *Rookha d’Koodsha – A feminine, elemental force in humans that breaks off the effect of errors and teaches us truth. A force for that which is proper for humans, the denial of which leaves us in unforgiveness (- not unforgivable!) The “SuperProcessor.”
    *Dissociation – A result of denial, a separated part of the mind often referred to as the “unconscious,” “heart,” or “desert.”