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J. Yes The truth is safe to feel. When I deny my feelings, I deny a true part of myself . This hurts & then I blame others or even my own emotions for the hurt. It’s really the suppression of these feelings that hurts. When I stop blaming anyone (even myself) and feel my feelings, pain is relieved & I get more powerful.
I want to be more powerful. Score 5 points. POINTS:
K. Yes I structure the realities in my mind and I am the cause of my pain. If I’m in pain, my thinking is in error. My temporary low energy and negativity will surface and are safe to feel and release. These conditions are temporary if I breathe and release them .
I want to feel better. Score 5 points. POINTS:
L. What did I want to happen in situation instead of what did happen? (use positive upbeat language)
Score 5 points. POINTS:
M. I am Love. I am not upset for the reason I think. Denying my feelings is the main cause of my pain and upset. My error? A mistaken goal. I made this goal
more important than staying connected to Love.
Score 5 points. POINTS:
N. Why is this happening to me again? I project my issues onto other people because my denied emotions (“drag-ons”) and hidden thoughts (“cling-ons”) attract experiences to me like invisible magnets. Letting go of my judgments reduces the chance of more copies of this experience happening. I let go of the thought that I need to be right …(or wrong).
Score 5 points. POINTS:
O. Yes I pardon you for not meeting my goal of “what I thought you should do”.
Score 5 points. POINTS:
P. Yes I cancel my demand for
Score 5 points. POINTS:
Q. Call your Help-Line. I invite (put your “Creative-Force” word here – like God, Higher Power, Holy Spirit, Inner BEING, etc.) to help me get unstuck, set myself free, bring me new understandings, and .(Ask for what else you want from this helper.)
Score 5 points. POINTS:
R. Yes As I accept my “drag-ons” (feelings), I take back my power that I was giving away. I see that I am responsible for my life, actions & feelings. YES!
Score 5 points. POINTS:
S. Yes I release my “cling-ons” (judgments) of you . I see that you are responsible for your life, actions & feelings. YES!
Score 5 points. POINTS:
T. Now I feel
Score 5 points for each new feeling. POINTS:
U. Now describe how you see the situation regarding
Score 5 points for each new realization. POINTS:
V. And I now decide to create a new goal for
myself and
Score 5 points for each decision. POINTS:
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